Sunday, April 19, 2009

Time for Mom

As Moms, we all know how frustrating life can be at times and how often we think, "I NEED A VACATION". But we all know, our vacations come when the kidos take a nap or go to bed. So I thought I would share a few things I like to call "My Vacation" with my loyal readers......

1. Next time your out buying diapers or formula, swing over to the bath isle. Grab up a cheap bottle of bubble bath. When you get the kidos to bed, fill up the tub with water and add the bubbles and grab a good book and sit back and relax and catch up on that reading you have been missing out on.


2. We can't all afford those amazing foot spa's, but i have another option. Find a bassin, or you could even use the baby bath tub you don't use anymore. Fill it up with kinda hot water, and add in some baking soda and some sweet smelling soap, and just soak your feet in it for a good 15-20 minutes while you watch some tv, you'll be amazed at how your feet will feel when your finished. After you dry off your feet, put some baby lotion on them and you'r feet will feel like your baby's bum!

3. I find it great to catch an hour or two of mommy time if i get up a little before my little guy, or stay up a little later. I can get the bills paid without having crayon marks on my checks, sit down and watch a NON-Cartoon show on tv, or even take a nice hot shower. Every second is so enjoyable.
4. Me and some friends have organized a Baby Swap Group. When we feel we are about to go crazy, we just call up one of the girls and ask for an hour or two. Drop off the kidos at your friends house and go get a massage or a manacure. Whatever you Fancy. Ahhh Quiet time. And Vice Versa! We are a group of moms who understand how crazy days can get. So Start a Baby Swap group and have some Mommy Time.

5. And if this one isn't obvious, i don't know what would be. Hubby Duty!! When the Hubby has a day off, or when he gets home from work, Ask him to watch the kidos for an hour, and take some mommy time. It could be a hot shower, or a nice walk with the dog. Whatever you feel you need. And another thing the hubby can do is give you a nice relaxing massage after the kidos are to bed.

There is always something you can do to get a "Mommy Vacation" on a normal day. If you have any ideas that you use, feel free to share them in the comment section, i'm sure everyone would love to hear them :)

Untill Next Time

Keep Smiling And Keep the Kidos Happy and Healthy!!

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