Wednesday, April 29, 2009 says Baby died from infection, not starvation
Monday, April 27, 2009
Contests Contests Contests
The Parents with Style is giving aways Kickin' Coaster From Learning Curve. This thing is pretty awesome. Not only is it adorable to put your little one in, but it actually serves as entertainment and isn't just going to have your little one sitting there looking at you. It will stimulate some play and fun times and grows with your little bundle of joy.

Saturday, April 25, 2009
12 Money Saving Tips for Moms
1. For you working moms and the hubby, Try brown bagging it for lunch. Instead of spending $5-10 a day on lunch, pack a lunch and save that money for your Date night once a month. You will be suprised at how much money you will save with brown bagging it.
2. For you mommy's that love to read when the little ones taking his nap, Don't buy costly books that are going to just sit around when you finish them. Go to your local library and find a good book. This way you can just return it and get a new one, no need to spend 20$ on a book you are going to read once, or sometimes never finish because its not what you thought it would be.
3. Buy used when you can. Consignment shops and Thrift stores are great. They have gently used and sometimes new items, for Half or even more of what you would pay for them in the store. Clothes are a great buy from consignment shops and thrift stores. Take a peek around. Spend 20$ on clothes for the kidos instead of 120$ at the store.
4. Start a SWAP Meet. Get a group of your Mommy/Daddy Friends together and help eachother out. Weather it be babysitting, cutting the grass, fixing the car or your plumbing, you can save a lot of money by helping a friend out. You watch their 3 kidos for a night so they can have a night out and they fix your car. Even swap. Everyone has a handy friend. Talk about it with your friends. Save yourself some money and them too.
5. When buying from stores, Shop the Clearance section. Something that is orginally 20$ might be marked down to 6$. Save Save Save!!!
6. Pay for things with Cash instead of your Credit/Debit Card. I have found if i go into a store with only 50$ cash, thats what i spend and thats it. If you have your debit/credit card with you, you are more inclined to spend more, because you know you can just swipe that little card. If you only have a certin amount of money, then thats all you can spend, end of story and it Saves you big time in the end.
7. Once in a while, skip your trip to the grocery store, and use what you have. We all know we have plenty of food in the freezer and pantry, but we just don't want to take the time to make it. So skip the shopping trip every 3rd or 4th time and take the challenge to use what you have and make an awsome dinner. Money saver right there.
8. Make food and freeze it. Make your own breads, cookies, muffins, meatloafs....etc.... Make food and put them in zipper bags and store them. Its quick, easy and less of a hassel when it comes to making dinner. And if you have these things on hand, its less you will be spending each month at the grocery store.
9. Say NO to Fast food and Ordering Out. Having a pizza delivered is 15$ these days. You can make your own for about 5$ at home. And this can also be fun, by letting the kidos in on the fun. Let them help put the toppings on. Save that extra 10$ for something you will NEED Later on.
10. Kick the Gym Membership to the Curb! Exercise at home with your kidos. Not only does it save you money, it saves you gas, and keeps your kidos healthy too.
11. Make your own decorations, cakes and games for birthday parties or baby/bridal showers. You can save a load of money on that. You can make a cake for maybe 10$ at home, but you would pay 20-30$ at the store. Plus its fun to get a group of your friends and kido's together for fun baking and craft ideas.
12. Ditch Paper towles completly from your home. You will save money if you just use regular towles around the house. This way you just toss them in the wash, instead of having to add the paper towels to your trash and then having to buy more. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle! :)
Right now, we all need to save and conserve as much as possible. With the tips i have listed, you can save a good bit of money. Put that money in an envelope and save it for when you REALLY NEED It. There are millions of money saving tips out there, but these are just a few i like to use. You will be suprised how much money you can save when you Plan things out.
Untill Next Time
Keep Smiling and Keep the Kidos Healthy and Happy!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Always Stop and Smell the Flowers

How Stinking Adorable is he? :) Remember to always let your kidos try new things. Always stop and Smell the flowers. Let them play in the dirt. Its not going to hurt them. And it makes for a great Photo Opportunity. :)
Untill Next Time
Keep Smiling and Keep the Kidos Healthy And Happy
Monday, April 20, 2009
Raising A Baby On A Budget...Tips and Trics
1. Buying in bulk never hurts. Sam's Club Memberships are like $40 for a year. And that $40 can save you hundreds of Dollars on Groceries. You can buy all your canned goods and non-parishables and stock up and save up.
2. When shopping, always take a list, and stick to the list. Search the stores website or flyer for sales and savings. Coupons are a great way to save some money.
3. Buying Generic never hurts. Its the same thing, just with a different name!
4. Diapers......Boy are they expensive. Buying them in bulk can save you a load of money. Cases are normally cheaper than the large bags. And also, do your shopping around.....Again the Generic are just as good. And don't forget to sign up for coupons and savings from your favorite diaper company! Cloth Diapers are also a money saver!!
5. Formula is super expensive. Remember that Powder is always cheaper. And to get more help if your a low income family, try applying for WIC.
6. When buying furniture for your little ones room, always buy what can grow with your kido. Convertable Cribs and Car Seats are a money saver. They go from Infant to Toddler in no time. You can always do Second Hand also! Goodwill, garage sales, craigslist, consignment shops. You can always find a deal. Just make sure to check for Recalls.
7. Coupons Coupons Coupons!!!! Find them in the flyers, online, from a friend, the sunday paper, Find them and Clip away! Just don't get Carried away! only clip for the things you normally use in the house.
8. Baby clothes are expensive too. But you can always save money in this department. Second hand is Awesome!! You can swap with friends, buy second hand. Most stores have sales at the end of each season. So keep your eyes peeled for those 2.99 outfits for next year!
9. The number one big time money saver is.....Breast Feeding and making your own baby foods. Breast Feeding cuts out that 25$ a can formula. And making your own baby food is easy, all you need is a blender and some fruits and vegies and TADA Blend Away!
There are so many ways to save money and raise your kidos on a budget. And remember you can always unload all that un-needed baby stuff to a consignment shop or list it on Craigslist and Make some extra money to put in the bank.
Untill Next Time
Keep Smiling and Keep the Kidos Happy and Healthy
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Time for Mom
1. Next time your out buying diapers or formula, swing over to the bath isle. Grab up a cheap bottle of bubble bath. When you get the kidos to bed, fill up the tub with water and add the bubbles and grab a good book and sit back and relax and catch up on that reading you have been missing out on.
2. We can't all afford those amazing foot spa's, but i have another option. Find a bassin, or you could even use the baby bath tub you don't use anymore. Fill it up with kinda hot water, and add in some baking soda and some sweet smelling soap, and just soak your feet in it for a good 15-20 minutes while you watch some tv, you'll be amazed at how your feet will feel when your finished. After you dry off your feet, put some baby lotion on them and you'r feet will feel like your baby's bum!
3. I find it great to catch an hour or two of mommy time if i get up a little before my little guy, or stay up a little later. I can get the bills paid without having crayon marks on my checks, sit down and watch a NON-Cartoon show on tv, or even take a nice hot shower. Every second is so enjoyable.
4. Me and some friends have organized a Baby Swap Group. When we feel we are about to go crazy, we just call up one of the girls and ask for an hour or two. Drop off the kidos at your friends house and go get a massage or a manacure. Whatever you Fancy. Ahhh Quiet time. And Vice Versa! We are a group of moms who understand how crazy days can get. So Start a Baby Swap group and have some Mommy Time.
5. And if this one isn't obvious, i don't know what would be. Hubby Duty!! When the Hubby has a day off, or when he gets home from work, Ask him to watch the kidos for an hour, and take some mommy time. It could be a hot shower, or a nice walk with the dog. Whatever you feel you need. And another thing the hubby can do is give you a nice relaxing massage after the kidos are to bed.
There is always something you can do to get a "Mommy Vacation" on a normal day. If you have any ideas that you use, feel free to share them in the comment section, i'm sure everyone would love to hear them :)
Untill Next Time
Keep Smiling And Keep the Kidos Happy and Healthy!!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
A Worthy Cause....Tide Loads of Hope
The team at Tide go around with like 32 Energy Efficient Washers and Dries and go to the areas that need help and wash, dry and Fold their laundry. This is like getting a million dollars to some of these families. When a natural disaster strikes, you never know what your going to do. Well Tide is here to help out a little by giving these families clean clothes to wear and clean sheets to sleep on and clean blankets to cover up with.

So go on over to and see if you can help out a little by buying a shirt or buying the Yellow Cap Tide.
Untill Next Time
Keep Smiling and Keep the Kidos Healthy and Happy
Monday, April 13, 2009
Psych Evaluations and Neurology.... Oy Vey
The newest thing that we are trying to deal with is getting an appt. with Neurology at Childrens. Damien has started having Headaches to the point where he holds his head and cries, and cries Tears! He isn't big on crying unless something is REALLY hurting him. So i know that something is going on. When he was a baby they found an arachnoid cyst on his brain. They assured me that it was nothing to worry about and that all kids have them. Well all i know is that if i see the Neurologist and he tells me the headaches are because of the Cyst, you best bet someone is getting a lawsuit from me. I find it hard to belive that all kids have them. I'm throwing the BS flag at that dr. over and over again. I have done my research, and even if they say its Benign, it can still cause issues for your kido!
As i said before, don't ever second guess youself as a mom, you know whats best for your child. If you don't agree with what a dr. says, speak up, it never hurts to have extra tests run just for your own peace of mind. Yes it may be costly, but Is your child really comparable to Money? I don't think so!

So untill Next Time
Keep Smiling and Keep the kidos happy and healthy
Friday, April 10, 2009
7 Day Stomach Virus From Hell....
- Hes not a fan of the name band they put on him at the ER

Keep your eyes open for the signs of Dehydration:
-No tears when they are crying
-Dry Mouth and Lips
-If you lightly punch the skin on their wrist, it should go right back down, if not, they are Dehydrated.
-Little or No pee within a 6 hr period
-Very tired
-Very Thirsty
-Wrinkly Skin
- See how Pale he is?
Thankfully, he is now starting to feel better. Still running a little temp, but atleast he is back to being able to eat without throwing it all up and hes up and moving around again. He lost 2lbs from all of this,which sucks, but he'll put it back on. I'll be posting more fun stuff here later, so keep your eyes open! :)
Untill Next Time
Keep Smiling and Keep the Kidos Healthy and Happy
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Autism Awarness Month
Directly From Gulf Daily News
Did you know over 67 million people around the world are affected by autism including here in Bahrain? Today marks World Autism Awareness Day - only one of three official diseases specified by United Nations days.
Events are being held all over the world in recognition of this day - including here in Bahrain.
On the December 18, 2007, the UN General Assembly by unanimous consent adopted Resolution 62/139, which declared April 2 as World Autism Awareness Day.
The resolution, which Bahrain is a co-sponsor of, encourages all member states to take measures to raise awareness of autism throughout society, to promote early diagnosis and early behavioural intervention and to acknowledge the high rate of autism in all regions of the world and the consequent development challenges to long term health care, education, training and intervention programmes.
Autism affects individuals regardless of race, socioeconomic status or geography. Its causes are unknown, and it affects more boys than girls.
In some areas around the world the prevalence of autism is increasing.
Autism is a complex brain disorder that inhibits a person's ability to communicate and develop social relationships, and is often accompanied by behavioural challenges. However, early diagnosis and intervention improves the lives of people affected.
First warning signs appear when a child is between 18 and 24 months old. (click here to read the entire story)
This is something that everyone should support. There are so many kids affected by this, Give a little support where support is Due!
Here are some things that you could do in April brought to you by the Autism Society Of America.....
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If you can do anything, do it. If you think you can't do anything, your wrong. Inform one person that April is World Autism Awareness Month Tell them a little bit about what Autism is and how kids are dealing with the daily struggles and how parents handle it. You can always do something. Autism is Serious and Everyone should know about it. Do your Research and Help out where you can help out! :)
Untill Next Time
Keep Smiling and Keep the Kidos Healthy and Happy
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Child Hood Asthma Rant
Every time we go to the dr. about this, they always say, are you sure its his asthma and not a cold?? I'm 10000% sure its not a cold. I went onto and they have lists of whats asthma and whats a cold.
Now Come On can you see the difference there? I know whats wrong with my kido. One thing i'm not so sure about is the cause of his Asthma! I have been told by a few different dr. that this could all be because of his G.E.R.D. How can G.E.R.D trigger Asthma? Granted, when he has an eppisode, he does cough a lot and cries, but i dont remember the last time that happened we had an asthma problem. Right now hes on Albuteral, Pulmacort, Flovent and Previcid. The only thing that really seems to work is when we use the nebulizer with the pulmacort and the albuteral. This really limits the amount of fun we can have.
I am not 100% sure what exactly can be done but i'll keep on researching till i find something out.
Sorry for my Rant, just very paranoid and worried mommy.
Untill Next Time
Keep smiling and keep the Kidos Happy and Healthy