My son loves to break those regular straight long crayons right in half. So this project is perfect for him to help with. Get all the old crayons you have laying around and take the papers off yourself, because its hard for the kidos and then let the kidos break them up into little peices and put them in a big bowl.

This will give you plenty of time to safely turn the oven on and preheat it without them running into the kitchen. Preheat the oven to 275 degrees.
Once you have all the crayons broke up into peices, you put them in cupcake tins or whats even easier is Silicone trays. That makes it easier to just pop them right out when they are cooled down and finished. It dosn't matter what kind of trays you use, or what shape, the kids are going to love these. If you are going to use a tin cupcake pan, i would suggest putting cupcake papers in them, just so it is easier to take them out of the pan later. A light spraying of PAM on the inside of the trays will make it easier to get them out as well.

You can put the same colors in each cupcake hole or you can mix them up. Whatever you want to do, there is no wrong color mix for the kids. Once you have them all in the trays, put them in the oven for about 8-10 minutes or untill they are completly melted.

Take them out of the oven VERY Carefully. They will be extreamly hot and if you spill them, it will leave a mark on your carpet/floor that will be super hard to get off. You can leave the crayons the way they are or you can run a toothpick through them to mix the colors up a little bit. Your NEW Crayons will need to cool for about an hour or so.
Once they are cooled, just take them out of the containers and TADA There you have it, New Crayons of whatever shape and sizes you and the kidos want. Its easy to save money and Go Green these days when you use a little imaginiation.

Untill Next Time
Keep Smiling and Keep the Kidos Happy and Healthy
Wow, I never thought of this!!
Hi, I'm visiting from MBC. Great blog.
Oh my goodness. I love it! My daughter will have so much fun with this.
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