First thing......I'm not sure if any of you have read or heard about Kayleigh Anne Freeman, The One Pound Miracle baby! I have been following this blog for a while, and every post that the parents post about their beautiful baby girl and their family touches my heart every time. The Freeman family had to make a decision to keep their home or Keep paying for the healthcare for their daughter. They are going through a lot of hard times, and they need everyones thoughts and prayers to ask God for another miracle for their beautiful little girl, Kayleigh. She is 10 months old and a beautiful little girl, but she needs everyones support and so does her family to make it through these hard times. So i ask you all, head on over to their blog, and read about this beautiful gift from god and hear their story and watch their videos and support them in their time of need. They have a place on their Site were you can donate to help out their family. If you are able, please help them out. If you can't, Spread your thoughts and prayers for this family and keep them in your heart.

Next :) Giveaways!! Woohoo Who dosn't love those!!!
Over at The Mommy-Files you can enter to win a Yogurt and Icecream Making Machine from Cuisinart. My mom had one simaliar to this when I was little and me and my sisters LOVED it! All you have to do is go over to . The Mommy-Files Blog and take a peek at the Cuisinart Site and tell The Mommy-Files which product you would love to try from their collection. There are other ways to enter, so check her site for full rules and details. Ends May 19th

Over at the Busy Mom Blog, They are giving away $100 worth of Tyson Products. Yes, $100!!!!!! I don't know about you but $100 of Tyson Products would fill my freezer and my families tummies pretty good for a while. All you have to do is go over to Busy Mom and Tell her in a comment, what Tyson Any'tizer you would like to try, and you are entered into the contest. There are other ways to enter, so visit Busy Mom for full rules and Details. Ends May 12th

At one of my Favorite sites, Frugal Mommy of 2 girls, she is giving away a Dress of the winners choice worth up to 35$ from Caterpiller Kid! They have such adorable dresses at that site. All you have to do to enter is head on over to Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls and leave a comment after you visit Caterpiller Kid's site and tell her what your favorite item is. you can enter in other ways too, so head on over to her site for full rules and details. Ends May 12th

Make sure you enter these awesome contests before the deadlines!!
Untill Next Time
Keep Smiling and Keep the Kidos Happy and Healthy
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