I have become addicted to a new show on MTV, World Of Jenks! This show opens your eyes to the lives of others that you wouldn't see unless you spent time with them. Andrew Jenks is a 24 yr old aspiring documentary filmmaker, and he goes and spends a week with young adults whos lives are different from the ordinary.
I was amazed by the episode where he spent a week with a 20 yr old Autistic boy named Chad. I have a 4 yr old autistic son and i know how difficult it can be now, but after watching Andrew interact with Chad, I now know what i may have to handle as my son ages. Andrew Jenks doesn't judge people, he sincerely wants to know what its like to be these people! This show gives you a new outlook on things and shows you how others are! This episode shows that no matter what the age, there is always programs to help. Chad goes to a special school where he learns things he needs to know on a daily basis, like cleaning, calling 911 and counting money! This episode was super eye opening to me.
Another episode that was pretty good was when Andrew spent a week with someone that is "Houseless". Houseless is what Danielle, a 22 yr old girl who has been living on the streets for 9 years, calls being homeless! When i hear homeless i think these people aren't eating and they have no place to sleep, but Danielle shows Andrew its not like that! Its just that she doesn't have a home to go to every night. She shows him how to panhandle, how to hitchhike and how she lives day to day.
This is an amazing new show. If you haven't yet seen it, its on MTV on Monday Nights at 10pm. I highly recommend this amazing show to everyone that wants to see life in the eyes of someone else. I am looking forward to watching every episode that comes out for this show! Completely Amazing!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
I'm Back.....And with lots to tell
I really have been slacking in my blog posts, what over a year? *lol* Its been a hard year. My son and I have relocated closer to my family after a horrid break up. It is what was best for me and him. We are happy and surrounded by amazing people! My son just recently turned 4! Oh where does the time go!? He is the most amazing little guy in the world! He is what keeps me going daily!

We have finally mastered using the big boy Potty. No More Diapers! YAHHH!! It took a while and was a lot of accidents, but we are now in big boy Sponge-bob underwear and extremely happy!!
Now, Lets talk Silly Bands! I received 2 Silly Bands for my birthday from my 8 yr old nephew. I now know why a lot of schools are banning these little suckers. If someone grabs onto one of them and pulls and lets go......OUCH......it hurts a lot! I mean they are fun, you can get a package at Walmart for $1, but why wear like 50 on each arm? Am I missing something here? These things really do come in like a million shapes. I have accumulated a number of these from my nephew, i think i have every animal possible! Parents should know its not save to wear them to bed......right?? I surely hope so.

Now, Lets talk Silly Bands! I received 2 Silly Bands for my birthday from my 8 yr old nephew. I now know why a lot of schools are banning these little suckers. If someone grabs onto one of them and pulls and lets go......OUCH......it hurts a lot! I mean they are fun, you can get a package at Walmart for $1, but why wear like 50 on each arm? Am I missing something here? These things really do come in like a million shapes. I have accumulated a number of these from my nephew, i think i have every animal possible! Parents should know its not save to wear them to bed......right?? I surely hope so.
We recently got a new kitty to add to the family, we had two, but unfortunately, our one kitty passed away today. My son doesn't yet understand the death and dying points of life. We still have our two crazy dogs and our one kitten. I think we are good with animals for a while. My son thinks that he can treat and play with ALL animals like he does his puppy, and it doesn't work like that, especially with a Cat! Choose your pets wisely when it comes to children. And always remember, adopting an animal from your local shelter is an amazing idea. Save one of those adorable critters from being put down. They are all looking for great homes. Help one of them out of the cage and into your heart and your family.

Another crazy thing thats been going on lately, my son refuses to go to bed, it is now almost 2am, and he is still up, this has been going on for weeks now. He doesn't take naps, he doesn't get sugar and soda, he is just all wound up and doesn't want to sleep. I have no clue whats going on, but its really taking a toll on me lately! We have an appointment next week, and I will be having a discussion with his Doctor about this. I know hes probably going to say, "Oh this is normal, it will go away with time" but, come on Doc, Mommy needs some sleep too! i can't depend on my coffee and Mt. Dew to keep me going all day. I love my son more than anything in the entire world, but mommy loves sleep too!
Well I hope all of you are doing well and still following me! So sorry for the lack of blogs, but i'm back, i'll make sure to put up daily posts again!
Until Next Time,
Keep Smiling and Keep the Kiddos Happy and Healthy
Until Next Time,
Keep Smiling and Keep the Kiddos Happy and Healthy
baby on a budget,
healthy kids,
stay at home mom,
working mom
Sunday, June 7, 2009
No Throw Strap Contest At A Blog Of Goodies
The lovely ladies over at A Blog Of Goodies is giving one lucky reader a chance to win a No Throw Strap for their kiddos cup or bottle. We have all had to stop and pick up their cup a million times at the grocery store or on a walk. I just love the different patters they have at www.nothrow.com. I must get one of these for my son becasue he never leaves his cup in the cart, he always manages to toss it out at one point or another. Hurry over and Enter. Contest closes June 15th.
baby on a budget,
give aways,
healthy kids,
stay at home mom,
working mom
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I Have A Sick Kiddo :(
So i havn't been posting as much as usual, because my kiddo is super sick. At first they said it was just his sinuses. Well i'm starting to think its something else. We have been dealing with all this crazyness since The weekend. He is sneezing, coughing, throwing up, not wanting to eat, laying around, barely sleeping because he keeps coughing so much, very irriatable, running a steady 103.5 temp, and it only goes down for about 5 hours with motrin then its right back up, and he isn't pooping. They gave us an antibiotic, and then changed it again today. Something else has to be going on. I literally sat up all night lastnight with him propped up against me so he wouldn't cough so much so he could get a little sleep. I took him into the dr. first thing this morning and they switched the antibiotic and said if hes not better by saturday they want to see him again. Well i desided i'm not listening anymore. If he keeps the coughing and puking and the high temp, i'm taking him directly to the ER, because maybe they have someone there thats a little smarter and can tell me what i should do. The Peds could be right, but a second opinion never hurt.
So untill then, I'll be cuddled up on the couch with him watching his favorite Movies: Bolt, Alvin and the Chipmunks, and Marly and Me! :) He loves his puppies!

Untill Next Time
Keep Smiling and Keep the Kiddos Happy and Healthy
healthy kids,
stay at home mom,
stomach virus,
working mom
Monday, May 25, 2009
And the Winner Of the Sage Creek Organic PJ's Is:
The winner of the Sage Creek Organic PJ's from www.mylittlesnugglebug.com is.......
Dana said...
follow on twitter
Congrats to Dana! She has replied to our email and her PJ's of her choice will be shipped off to her tomorrow!
Keep your eyes open for more giveaways and more fun from Moms Helping Moms
Untill Next Time
Keep Smiling and Keep the Kiddo's Happy And Healthy
baby on a budget,
cloth diapers,
give aways,
go green,
stay at home mom,
working mom
Monday, May 18, 2009
My First Giveaway: My Little Snuggle Bug PJ Giveaway
So today I am super excited to bring to you one of my very first giveaways here at Moms Helping Moms. Everyone knows how excited I am about Organic and Going Green. I love it!!! www.mylittlesnugglebug.com is a great baby boutique, with sizes 0-24 months ORGANIC Clothes! YAH!! They have some of the cutest organic baby clothes I have ever come across. And they are affordable too. They have shoes, dresses, shirts, Tee's, jumpers, pants, jackets, pjs, towels, blankets, you name it, they have it and it's Organic!!!! They have items by Kate Quinn Organic, Speesees, and Jack and Lilly. All amazing Organic Designers. I just love the Organic Terry Sunsuit! Its just adorable!!! I think its a must for this beautiful weather we are getting this summer.

The amazing people over at www.mylittlesnugglebug.com have offered to give one lucky reader here at Moms Helping Moms a set of Sage Creek Organic PJ's. ADORABLE!!!! One Lucky Reader will get a choice of One Pair of Sage Creek Pj's in whatever style they want, Feeties or no Feeties(depending on the size). These little suckers are made with the softest organic cotten. My son looooves fuzzy soft cotton. They come in Non-Footie in Blue Dancing Bears and Pink Dancing Bears, and they come with Footies in Blue Dancing Bears and Pink Dancing Bunnies. These are super cute and will make Mommy and Baby smile. My Little Snuggle Bug is also having a 10% off all Speesees and Sage Creek items to those who are subscribed to their mailing list, and through Memorial Day, any purchase over $40 gets FREE Shipping!

To Enter:
Go over to www.mylittlesnugglebug.com and subscribe to their mailing list and then come back here and leave a comment telling me you subscribed and what email address you used. This is the mandatory entry and must be done before extra entries are submitted.
Extra Entries: Leave seprate comments for each extra entry.
1. Follow Me Via Blogger or Email
2. Grab My Button and put it on your side bar
3. Follow me on Twitter(momshelpingmoms) and Tweet this Contest and leave a comment with the link
4. Blog about this Giveaway and leave a link to your blog as a comment
Contest closes at 11:00pm EST Sunday May 24th 2009.
Thats 5 ways to enter to win these adorable Pj's for your little one.
Untill Next Time
Keep Smiling and Keep the Kidos Healthy and Happy
Sunday, May 17, 2009
The Best Gifts are Hand Made:Fathers Day Hand Crafted Gift Ideas
I think the best gifts from kids are the ones they make themselves and with a little help from mom of dad. I know when i was a kid, My mom use to help me make my dad his fathers day gift and he loved them. I think he still has them. :) He says they fill a special place in his heart. :) I love my Dad! :)
So just since father's day is coming up soon, i thought i would share some ideas of what Mom and the kidos can work on to make dads day a special one, filled with smiles and happiness.
This idea i think is great. It isn't for the little kids, or the kids that have a habbit of putting things in their mouths.
Make dad an awesome pair of home made Boxers! These will make a great gift for Dad.
All you need is:
-A pair of light colored or white boxer shorts
-Fabric Paint or Fabric Markers
For the smaller kids, you might try the markers instead of the paints. But either will work.
Maybe on one side you could trace the kido's hands on them, or a foot or just let them get creative with the paint and markers. And on the other side Put Nice and Big, WORLDS BEST DADDY!
Dad is bound to love these and the kids will have a great time making them and giving them to dad for his gift.

This next one is going to be a great and fun idea for any child. We all know how disorganized Dads trunk is, so this is something the kids will have fun doing.
All You Need Is:
-Cardboard Box
First thing you do is turn the kids loose on the box with the markers! Let them decorate it however they want, to make it special for Dad. Draw pictures of the family on it, or write WORLDS GREATEST DAD on it. Then after your all done, the next step is for Mom to do. You have to cut a hole on each side of the box, far enough down that it dosn't break from carrying it. Then you tie a knot in the rope on one end and put it through the hole so the knot is on the inside of the box. Then do the same thing for the other side. And TADA You have a Daddy Trunk Tote.

Ever Dad has atleast one paper weight on their desk, so this next one is to replace that boring paper weight with a cute one that will make him think about his kidos every time he looks at it.
All You need is:
-A Round Rock
-Non-Toxic Paint
-Google Eyes
First you have to paint the rock, maybe a pale pink or white color. Once the paint is dry, you can get some yarn and cut it into small strands and glue it on for the hair. Then glue on the Google Eyes and then paint on a mouth and other features you want on your little rock paper weight. The kids can paint it to look like themselves or to look like Daddy! It will make a perfect Fathers Day Gift!!

And another fun idea is something for Mommy and the Kidos to do together. While daddy is getting ready for work or on his way to work, Log onto the computer and Send Dad a Fathers E-Card or write him an email that tells him how much you love him and how special he is, so he'll find it when he logs onto his email when he gets to work. It is a sure thing to Brighten his day!

These ideas will be fun and will have a lot of special meaning to the special Dad who recieves them.
Untill Next Time,
Keep Smiling and Keep The Kidos Happy and Healthy
Arts and Crafts,
baby on a budget,
Fathers Day,
go green,
safe toys,
stay at home mom,
working mom
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